Legacy City Church

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March 5th: First Service!

Here we go! On Thursday, we meet with Embassy Suites in Norman off of I-35 to finalize using one of their conference rooms to start having service on March 5th!! I requested it for March 5th -April 9th and the dates were open. We are going to jump on it and start having services. They will be simple services with everyone in one room. We will do acoustic worship and get down to business. I am very excited.

Also, big things happened this past week. We signed the lease for the location at 1704 S Broadway just north of 19th street here in Moore. The property management company emailed me today to begin the tenant improvement process. The plan will be to take possession at the end of April/beginning of May. Continue to pray with us that God will keep this process running smoothly.

This is the thought for today. Psalm 1 verses 1-3 says, “Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.” The trees that are by the river are the greenest, the tallest, and the strongest. Albuquerque is all desert, so there are not a lot of trees because there is not a lot of water. Not like Oklahoma. However, running along the Rio Grande river is nothing but dense, tall, green trees. It is a beautiful sight to drive down Montano, see the leaves, and watch them all begin to turn colors every fall. The point is the trees that grow by the river are strong, and for us, the river that makes us strong is the Word of God.

The Word of God will nurture you. It will give you what you need to make it through the hard seasons and storms. Many times we just simply do not meditate on the Word of God as we should. But if we want to be like the trees planted along the riverbank we must be strong in the Word. I saw this quote, “You will be as strong as God’s Word is strong in you.” Meaning your strength is in direct proportion to how well you know the Word of God.

This past week, I was on a hunt at Pastor Willie George’s Rocker W Ranch. At night Pastor George would share stories and drop nuggets of wisdom. And one of the nuggets he dropped was that to last in the ministry you have to study the word. He shared how the Holy Spirit would bring scriptures to his mind at the right time to help him make it through difficult situations.

Let’s be the trees planted on the riverbank bearing fruit in every season. Dig into the Word. Meditate on it day and night. There is no set way to do it, just do it. Let’s be strong in the Word of God.

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us and supporting us! It means the world. If you would like to give to Legacy City Church you can click the “Give” button at the bottom of the page. We thank you for your continued prayers and support. God bless.