Our Vision
At LCC we are committed to living out Christ’s legacy.
We are driven first and foremost by our vision to reach the lost. Christ commissioned us to seek and save that which is lost, and that it is not just something we study in the bible but something we actually do. We are not satisfied being a country club that is happy with programs that serve the people in the club. We are called to be comfortably uncomfortable giving our all to take the Gospel (the Good News) to our community and the world around us. We are serious about growing and developing relationships. Life is not meant to be done alone. When God created Adam He said, “it is not good for a man to be alone.”
Relationships cultivate growth in our lives (Proverbs 27:17) allowing us to truly live life. Relationships are meant to pick us up when we fall and help us get back on mission, the mission of Christ and taking His legacy to the world around us. We live our lives with generosity in every area. Faith without works is dead. We cannot say we believe in God and not be helping the world around us through our generosity and good deeds. We give our resources, time, energy, and money to be the reflection of who Jesus is to the community and world around us.