Legacy City Church

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Keep Your Eyes Off The Waves

Faith is a funny thing. It is really easy to have a lot of it until it’s put to the test. That’s funny because... can you even have faith if it has never been tested? My answer to this is no. You cannot say you have faith if you have never faced anything that made you doubt your faith. I believe faith is trusting despite whatever doubts you may have; despite the circumstances that may be staring you in the face causing you to doubt everything.

Remember that time Jesus was taking a stroll in the middle of a lake? He rolls up on the disciples at 3 in the morning, and they are freaking out because they think He’s a ghost. Then He tells them not to be afraid; that it’s Him. Peter does something next that takes amazing faith in my opinion. Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” Jesus is like, “come on bro! (KSV: Kraig Shorter version)” So Peter gets out of the boat and starts walking on the water! BUT…then the waves come and he takes his eyes off of Jesus and begins to sink.

I think in life there are a lot of times I have been like Peter and had great faith and followed Jesus onto the waters, but the moment the waves and strong winds come it is hard to keep your eyes on Jesus and not the giant wave about to smash into you. We can have great faith to get out of the boat, but when the waters change do we have the faith to believe we won’t sink? I’ve got to admit this is hard because when the security of the boat is gone the only place left to put your faith is in Jesus. Are you ok with placing your faith in Jesus alone?

I feel like I’ve stepped out of the boat now and the only thing I can do now is rely on Jesus. Jesus did not tell Peter to come to Him on the water to let him drown. That's not who Jesus is. Jesus did not let Peter sink. Jesus will not let you or me sink. We must keep our eyes off the waves and only on Jesus, He will not let us sink.