Grow Relationships
I’ve had a lot of conversations with people who say they don’t have many friends. As the conversation continues, I find out that 9 out of 10 times, they don’t go to church.
It is hard to do life without community. Life is meant to be experienced with other people. You will never have enough relationships. They are the most valuable commodity in life. Not because of what other people can do for you but because of the enrichment relationships bring to your life. Life is richer and fuller because of the relationships we have. Having someone to laugh with, cry with, or lean on when needed is a crucial part of life.
What is one of the first things Jesus does when He starts his ministry? He grabs 12 guys and starts doing life with them. He builds a community.
The majority of my relationships have come from church. People need friends. If you feel like you don’t have a community you need to get into the church. The greatest times in my week over the last couple of years are being in the foyer on Sundays and Wednesdays greeting people. Being excited to see people, and here’s the kicker, when you are excited to see people they will be excited to see you. I think I did far more ministry while shaking hands in the foyer than when I was preaching in the pulpit. I prayed with people. I listened to their stories. I cried with people and I laughed with people. I met new people and reconnected with others.
You indeed want to go where everyone knows your name. In Albuquerque, I would go to the same Starbucks every day. Not because it was the best Starbucks but because the people there remembered my name and knew who I was. I have barely been to Starbucks since we moved to Oklahoma. It’s just not the same.
My point is this we need community and we need the church to get that.
Maybe we make the church more complicated than it needs to be. We make it all about the service, the music, the lights, the Pastor, and the programs, but maybe it’s more simple than that. Maybe, it’s as simple as people who’ve made Jesus Lord of their lives doing life together. Loving God with all their heart, mind, body, and soul, and loving their neighbor as themselves.
Just remember, to have friends you have to be a friend first. (That’s from ‘Secret Blend’ by Stan Toler. A seminal book in my life. I highly recommend you read it.). He who shows himself friendly will have friends. Don’t sit around and wait for friends to show up in your life. You have to be the friend you want. You be the one to call/text people. You be the one to invite people to your house. And don’t do it for reciprocation. Just do it and expect nothing in return. Don’t go to church and then give me this crap about “no one came to talk to me.” You be the aggressor. You go talk to people. You may have a few awkward experiences sure, but that’s part of life. The reward will outweigh the risk in the end. If you pass someone, make eye contact and say hello.
This is why at Legacy City we are all about connecting with God, growing relationships, and living generously.
Let’s go make friends.